Manuscript WEINER00037Part locus 2r - 194vFolio 110r, 116v, 117r
يثر مختار أمين جامل موسا
Manuscript WEINER00170Part locus 1r - 210rFolio 184r-184vLoose folio
Manuscript WEINER00162Part locus 2v - 101rFolio 84rLoose folio
صحَابُتَا كِيْسَا اِسَانْ چَا الچُسِّنِ اِڠَامِاْىَ [...] أليْقْ صَحَابُتَا كَنْ هُنْدَا بَلَّتَّو امُّو \ وَالْڨِيْسُّو هُنْدَ مُ؟ \ رجب ١٣٦٢
Manuscript ZM00028Folio 504v
دواء نور امام مزمل [...]
Manuscript DJKH00043Part locus 1r - 24vFolio 24r-24v
شَرِّكْ دُوْدِلِى تِدِيْرِمْ نَبِكْ مِعِنْهِ بُوْلِي \ أَبْتِكْ مَعْصِيَهْجَهْنَمْ [...]ا
Manuscript JMU00014Folio 144Ownership
Manuscript JMU00013Folio p. 1Ownership
استحقه الفقير الى الله عبد ربه عبد الله بن عبد [الرحمان؟] ال[.؟.] س ١٣٥٣
Manuscript HRDVar02Folio 1v
Some Arabic writing crossed over.
Manuscript TOSG00001Folio P. 169Marginalia
A line in Arabic script. Unclear.
Manuscript TOSG00003Folio Back coverStamp / Signature
Partly visible stamp. It is found in several books in the Toba collection, clearest on one of the front leaves of TOBA00008. Above a drawing of a mosque; below three lines of text in Latin, Fidel, and Arabic scripts:
Masjida Haaji Aadam Guummaa
مسجد الحاج آدم غوما
Manuscript TOSG00006Folio Several pagesStamp / Signature
Partly visible stamp. It is found in several books in the Toba collection, clearest on one of the front leaves of TOBA00008. Above a drawing of a mosque; below three lines of text in Latin, Fidel, and Arabic scripts:
Masjida Haaji Aadam Guummaa
مسجد الحاج آدم غوما
Manuscript TOSG00007Folio
Loose sheet of ruled paper with some basic notes on Arabic:
1) lists of the 'sun' and the 'moon' letters;
2) examples of the use of fatḥa, kasra, ḍamma, sukūn, and šadda, and tanwīn. Some explanations given in Fidel script. -
Manuscript TOSG00008Folio Several pagesStamp / Signature
Partly visible stamp. It is found in several books in the Toba collection, clearest on one of the front leaves in this book. Above a drawing of a mosque; below three lines of text in Latin, Fidel, and Arabic scripts:
Masjida Haaji Aadam Guummaa
مسجد الحاج آدم غوما
Manuscript TOSG00027Folio Upper pastedown and title pageStamp / Signature
Partly visible stamp. It is found in several books in the Toba collection, clearest on one of the front leaves of TOBA00008. Above a drawing of a mosque; below three lines of text in Latin, Fidel, and Arabic scripts:
Masjida Haaji Aadam Guummaa
مسجد الحاج آدم غوما
Manuscript TOSG00027Folio p. 528 and lower pastedownStamp / Signature
Partly visible stamp. It is found in several books in the Toba collection, clearest on one of the front leaves of TOBA00008. Above a drawing of a mosque; below three lines of text in Latin, Fidel, and Arabic scripts:
Masjida Haaji Aadam Guummaa
مسجد الحاج آدم غوما
Manuscript AddisDealers31Part locus 1v - 170rFolio 79v
Unclear note
Manuscript TOSG00006Folio p. 72/73
Between p. 72/73 a loose sheet of ruled paper, at the top a printed field:
DATE : / /On one side:
1) Basmalas and praises with some corrections written by a different hand.
2) Some doctrinal notes on tawḥīd written with a red pen; a doctrinal correction added with a blue pen in a different hand:
تقسيم التوحيد إلى ثلاث توحيدات بدعة باطنة منكرة
3) A line in Oromo: Katabaayyoo hin beektu, hin baranne ati dhiisi.On the reverse:
1) Apparently Oromo in Arabic script:
يوطليا أيرغو حيدى أدات سيي طليالمتِّ أيرغي ولت نقي حرعا إت غوڟى
2) An only partly decipherable name and some brief notes in Arabic.
3) Hin xeente!
yoo dhugaa barbaadde kottu!
Barachuu moo aduu tuuluutu dura?
4) فاعلم أنه لا إله إلا الله فبدء بالعلم!
5) hin yaacalin! [.?.] Moy Amis
6) A ḥadīṯ: أمرت أن أقاتل الناس حتى ىسهدوا أن لا إله إلا الله وأنى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
7) A brief note in Arabic. -
Manuscript LMGVar11Folio 1r
نَمْكُن نَبِيَ نَتَفَسكَاتِ \ كَنْ تَوْزتِتِ غُوْفْتَادُبَاتِ \ [...] وَرْزُقْنَا رِضَا رَب الْقَضَايَا بِنَبيَ الله حبِيبِ الله
Manuscript LMGVar11Folio 1vPen trials
Manuscript LMGVar14Folio 1r
بِفَلْشَلْشَاخٍ آنٍ إيلٍ يَهٍ وَهٍ \ هُوَ مَالخٍ مُلْحَيٍّ هَمْلُوْ خِيْمٍ تَدَكْدَكَتِ \ الْجِبَالُ لِهَيْبَتِهِ وَ حَضَعَتِ الرِّقَابُ [...] خُدَّامَ هَذَ الاِسْمِ الاَعْظَمِ وَاقْضٌوْ \ حَاجَتِى وَهُوَ أَنْ يَغْلِبَنِى عَلَى مَنْ حَضَمَنِى عِنَ الاعداء
Manuscript LMGVar23Folio 1v
Pen trials and an unclear note.
Manuscript ASH00218Folio 222v
Magic square 5x5 with letters. The outer frame contains basmala.
Manuscript TOSG00002Folio 51rLoose folio
Printed fragment from an unidentified work dealing with European colonialism, probably the same work as at 12r. On one side part of the table of contents.
Manuscript TOSG00029Folio 46r
اعوام واصل كاد [ينسى] طيبها قرب ، ذكر النوى فكأنها أيام
ثم انبرت ايام هجر اعقبت ، [نحوى] اسى فكأنها اعوام
ثم انقضت تلك السنون وأهلها ، فكأنه وكأنها أحلامIn the margin:
cinqii]٩٧/١٢/١٨ م
Manuscript TOSG00029Folio 53r
Some Fidel letters.
سناديد مكة
إن يشأ يذهبكم ويأتى بخلق جديد