Manuscript IES04502Folio Upper pasteboardOwnership
The society of friends of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies has donated this book to the library of the Institute. Date: 9 March 2007
Manuscript IES04506Folio Upper pastedownOwnership
The society of friends of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies has donated this book to the library of the Institute. Date: 9 March 2007
Manuscript TOSG00018Folio Front leaf
A few letters in Fidel script.
Manuscript IES04503Folio Upper pasteboardOwnership
The society of friends of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies has donated this book to the library of the Institute. Date: 9 March 2007
Manuscript IES04511Folio Lower pasteboardOwnership
The society of friends of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies has donated this book to the library of the Institute. Date: 9 March 2007
Manuscript IES04507Folio Lower pasteboardOwnership
The society of friends of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies has donated this book to the library of the Institute. Date: 9 March 2007
Manuscript WEINER00215Folio Lower pastedown
A label with printed text in Fidel script.
Manuscript TOSG00027Folio Upper pastedown and title pageStamp / Signature
Partly visible stamp. It is found in several books in the Toba collection, clearest on one of the front leaves of TOBA00008. Above a drawing of a mosque; below three lines of text in Latin, Fidel, and Arabic scripts:
Masjida Haaji Aadam Guummaa
مسجد الحاج آدم غوما
Manuscript TOSG00027Folio p. 528 and lower pastedownStamp / Signature
Partly visible stamp. It is found in several books in the Toba collection, clearest on one of the front leaves of TOBA00008. Above a drawing of a mosque; below three lines of text in Latin, Fidel, and Arabic scripts:
Masjida Haaji Aadam Guummaa
مسجد الحاج آدم غوما
Manuscript AddisDealers53Folio 3rChronology
Note in Fidel script, containing two death records: Muhammad Dalil 1977 E and Amina Abba Farso 1975 E.
Manuscript AddisDealers53Folio 2v
Numeric calculations in Western numbers, some letters in Fidel and the note
هذا هحره رسول الله صلى الله علىه وسلم -
Manuscript TOSG00008Folio Front leafStamp / Signature
Stamp with text in Latin and Fidel scripts:
[.?.] Raayyaa Jamaal Mahaammad
Manuscript WEINER00205FolioLoose folio
Fragments of printed pages with Fidel script. One of the fragments contains also a printed calligraphic rendering of Sūra 112 in Arabic, the text forms a circle.
Manuscript LMGVar11Folio 1rMarginalia
Note in Fidel script.
Manuscript LMGVar14Folio 1v
Note in Fidel script.
Manuscript DWL00013Part locus 1r - 3vFolio 1v
Text in Fidel
Manuscript DWL00013Folio 4r-5vLoose folio
Series of annotations in Arabic and Fidel script about payments.
Manuscript ASH00201Folio Upper coverPrevious shelfmark
SH2006 / 0295
6 - 2 - [...] - 28
Manuscript ASH00201Folio Upper pastedown
Note in Fidel script.
Manuscript ASH00202Folio Lower cover
[...] - 16
قال ألم أقل
/ 1171 [H] 1757 A.D -
Manuscript ASH00202Folio Lower coverPrevious shelfmark
121 / 6 - 2 - 31 / [...] 16
Manuscript ASH00001Folio 1r, 248vStamp / Signature
Rectangular stamp with text in Fidel script. Words in Fidel script added with a blue ball-point pen.
Manuscript ASH00001Folio 3rStamp / Signature
Rectangular stamp with Fidel script
Manuscript ASH00001Folio Upper pastedown
Two notes in Fidel script
Manuscript JMK00102Folio p. 46-47Pen trials
Trials of Fidel alphabet.