Manuscript SHK00056Folio 207vContract / Transaction
Text in Fidel script. Three fingerprints, two unclear signatures in Arabic.
Manuscript SHK00056Folio 235rContract / Transaction
Text in Fidel script. Four fingerprints.
Manuscript IES04513Folio Lower pastedownOwnership
The society of friends of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies has donated this book to the library of the Institute. Date: 9 March 2007
Manuscript ZM00365Folio p. 3Stamp / Signature
اديس ابابا
مسجد الانور
Manuscript SHK00056Folio 201vContract / Transaction
Text in Fidel script, dated 3.10.62. Five fingerprints.
Manuscript HRDVar14Folio 1r - 1v
Written on a sheet of paper ruled on one side; in the right margin some printed words in Fidel script.
Manuscript HRDVar22Folio 1r - 1v
Written on the blank back side of a form in Fidel script with the Ethiopian Lion of Judah above and a number in Latin script.
Manuscript HRDVar24Part locus 1r - 1rFolio 1rIncipit
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم
اما بعد فمن الفقير الى الله محمد نور ابا بلو الى ثمرة فؤاده وقرة عينه وانيسه فى كل المجلس الشيخ محمد اول بن الشيخ بدر السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته وكيف حالكم الحالى وجنابكم العالى وان توجه الى خاطركم فانى والحمد لله بخير وعافية ونعمة من الله متواليه ثم المراد بعد السؤال عنكم ان انصحكم بما يفيدكم وهى ان جناب العالى جناب [.؟.] امر الامراء بان يكتبوا من رعاياهم من مواشى واناس نساء ورجالا وطعام وفواكه وكلها لا تمكن لهم الا ان يكنزوا امثالنا الكتاب [الحذلق] خصوصا مثلكم فالآن يا اخى وصديقى [انصحك] بان تكتب لاخيك ابا غنبل فانه يفيدك ويحبك وتانس به ولا تسمع قول القائل بانه يخل المروءة فان الذى يخل المروءة ان يكون عالة الناس فانك تعلم ان الخط افضل المكاسب ولهذا اليوم قيل افضل الخ وان شككت نصيحتى بانها فاحضر ابا جمال وشاوره هذه والسلام
[ربيع ل ٢٣ [سنه] ١٣٥٧ [هجريه -
Manuscript HRD00015Folio Endleaf
Note in Fidel script.
Manuscript HRD00015Folio Back cover
Note in Fidel script.
Manuscript HRD00020Folio Inner lining, back
Note in Fidel script.
Manuscript HRD00020Folio Inner lining, front
The red paper used to rebind the book has been torn over, but some words and part of a stamp in Fidel script are visible.
Manuscript TOSG00001Folio P. 5Marginalia
A line in Fidel script.
Manuscript TOSG00001Folio Lower pastedown
Some scribbles, apparently in Fidel script.
Manuscript TOSG00003Folio Back coverStamp / Signature
Partly visible stamp. It is found in several books in the Toba collection, clearest on one of the front leaves of TOBA00008. Above a drawing of a mosque; below three lines of text in Latin, Fidel, and Arabic scripts:
Masjida Haaji Aadam Guummaa
مسجد الحاج آدم غوما
Manuscript TOSG00006Folio Several pagesStamp / Signature
Partly visible stamp. It is found in several books in the Toba collection, clearest on one of the front leaves of TOBA00008. Above a drawing of a mosque; below three lines of text in Latin, Fidel, and Arabic scripts:
Masjida Haaji Aadam Guummaa
مسجد الحاج آدم غوما
Manuscript TOSG00022Folio p. 137
Loose sheet of ruled paper with text in Fidel script.
Manuscript TOSG00031Folio Several pagesStamp / Signature
Stamp with text in Latin and Fidel scripts:
Qaadii M/Murtii A/C/Botor
Manuscript TOSG00007Folio
Loose sheet of ruled paper with some basic notes on Arabic:
1) lists of the 'sun' and the 'moon' letters;
2) examples of the use of fatḥa, kasra, ḍamma, sukūn, and šadda, and tanwīn. Some explanations given in Fidel script. -
Manuscript TOSG00008Folio Several pagesStamp / Signature
Stamp with text in Latin and Fidel scripts:
Raayyaa Jamaal Muhammad
Manuscript TOSG00008Folio Several pagesStamp / Signature
Partly visible stamp. It is found in several books in the Toba collection, clearest on one of the front leaves in this book. Above a drawing of a mosque; below three lines of text in Latin, Fidel, and Arabic scripts:
Masjida Haaji Aadam Guummaa
مسجد الحاج آدم غوما
Manuscript IES04495Folio 1rOwnership
The society of friends of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies has donated this book to the library of the Institute. Date: 9 March 2007
Manuscript IES04498Folio Upper pasteboardOwnership
The society of friends of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies has donated this book to the library of the Institute. Date: 9 March 2007
Manuscript IES04499Folio Lower pasteboardOwnership
The society of friends of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies has donated this book to the library of the Institute. Date: 9 March 2007
Manuscript IES04500Folio Lower pasteboardOwnership
The society of friends of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies has donated this book to the library of the Institute. Date: 9 March 2007