ʻAlī Ḥamdūn
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Titles: sayyid
Biographic comments
Renowned holy man currently called in Harar sayyid ʻAlī Ḥamdon. The shrine in which his remains are kept is considered one of the most holy site of Harar, where also a mosque named after him is found. According to a local written genealogy he was a discendant of Ḥusayn b. ʻAlī b. Abī Ṭālib through Ǧaʻfar al-Ṣādiq. A historiccal tradition states that Alī Ḥamdūn reached the Harari land during the reign of sulṭān ʻUṯmān, entered the town in 1584 and died on 27 šawwāl 1023 H. His name is invoked in the seventh verse of a Harari qaṣīda written in Arabic to beseech saints for protection.
Additional information
Bibliographical references
- Gori, Alessandro - ʻAlī Ḥamdūn: 201 on page 201