
"The research leading to this database has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n°322849"


Marginalia (52r-55r; 56v-58v)

52r-v: note on the abǧad alphabet related to the different readings of the Qur'ān; 53r: fawā'id about the number of the aṣḥāb from the battle of Badr until the death of the Prophet; about the basmala; about plague and smallpox; about how to defeat the heat; how to make people obey orders; 53v: fawā'id on different subjects; colophon of the second fā'ida: نقل من خط نقله عن الفقيه عثمان بن محمد الحنفي الافاني ; short duʻā'; 54r: masā'il about the duty of ṣalāt, about Gog and Magog and the Prophets; about signs preceding the Apocalypse; du‘ā' for a good harvest; note about Logic: the difference between men and animals; 54v: Bibliographical notes about several works and authors; lexicographical notes; note on the properties of the Seven Sleepers' names; 55r: du‘ā' to be recited in the morning and evening; magic formula for sleeping; 56v-57r: note about the attributes of God and about the principles of monotheism (arkān al-tawḥīd); fā'ida about Adam's fall; fā'ida about the signs of misery; fā'ida about a case of inheritance among four wives; 57v: the recipe for an elixir; 58v: notes on the basmala; fragment of a manẓūma ascribed to Imām al-Šāṭibī;

Copyist of an antigraph of the second fā'ida of fol. 53v is ʻUṯmān b. Muḥammad al-Ḥanafī al-Afānī/Ifānī (same as fol. 1v).
