Paratext references
Manuscript TOSG00006Folio Several pagesStamp / Signature
Partly visible stamp. It is found in several books in the Toba collection, clearest on one of the front leaves of TOBA00008. Above a drawing of a mosque; below three lines of text in Latin, Fidel, and Arabic scripts:
Masjida Haaji Aadam Guummaa
مسجد الحاج آدم غوما
Manuscript TOSG00016Folio Front leafWaqf
وقفا فى مدرسة
الشيخ الغوماوي
من يد إبنه الثانى فى
عام ١٤٢٩ ه من إبنه الأول
خليفته أعني به الشيخ
كمال ناظره اه
" فى ١٤٣٩ ه
منه " -
Manuscript LMGVar04Folio 1r
Segni Convenzionali / Savana; Bambu pieno; Bosco ad alto fusto; Boscaglia / Gore stazione pluviometrica: precipitazione 1938 mm 2558 / Ufficio Topocartografico, Comando Truppe
Manuscript TOSG00028Folio Several pagesStamp / Signature
Partly visible stamp. It is found in several books in the Toba collection, clearest on one of the front leaves of TOBA00008. Above a drawing of a mosque; below three lines of text in Latin, Fidel, and Arabic scripts:
Masjida Haaji Aadam Guummaa
مسجد الحاج آدم غوم
Manuscript TOSG00030Folio Several pagesStamp / Signature
Partly visible stamp. It is found in several books in the Toba collection, clearest on one of the front leaves of TOBA00008. Above a drawing of a mosque; below three lines of text in Latin, Fidel, and Arabic scripts:
Masjida Haaji Aadam Guummaa
مسجد الحاج آدم غوم