Titles: Imām
Biographic comments
He is revered as an imām by the adherents of Shi'a Islam and as a renowned Islamic scholar and personality by Sunni Muslims. The Shi'a Muslims consider him to be the sixth Imām or leader and spiritual successor to Muḥammad and holde his Imamate for almost 30 years, longer than any other Shia imam. He is also revered by the Naqshbandi Sunni Sufi chain. He was a polymath: an astronomer, exeget, jurist, theologian, philosopher, physician, physicist and scientist. According to the sources he died poisoned on the order of al-Manṣūr.
Additional information
- Place Place of activity Medina / al-Madīna al-Munawwara, Hijaz, Medina, SA
Bibliographical references
- Encyclopaedia of Islam, II Edition: II, 374a-375a on page II, 374a-375a
Scribe of manuscript parts
Author of texts
Paratext references
MentionedManuscript JMK00175Part locus 28v - 29vFolio 28rMuqaddima
اما الأدعية فهذه الدعاء المشهور وفيه أثر عن جعفر الصادق بن محمد عن أبيه محمد بن علي بن الحسين بن علي بن ابى طالب كرم الله وجهه وهو دعاء [شرح؟] عظيم نافع لتفريج الهم والعم وكشف الشدائد والخطوب وغير ذلك وله طويل وهو هذا من فتح
MentionedManuscript ASH00096Part locus 44v - 45rFolio 45rExplicit
والحسن اخو الحسين , وهما دينا ودينى , عيلي نور بعيني , ثم زين العابدين \ صاحب البرهان , باقر جعفر بالعلم ماهر , كاظم للغيظ طاهر والرضا نور مبينا