
"The research leading to this database has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n°322849"


Muḥammad al-Nabrī b. Muḥammad b. Ǧābir al-Ǧābirī al-Dungulānī al-Mālikī محمد النبري بن محمد بن جابر الجابري الدنكلاني المالكي
Ǧamāl al-Dīn جمال الدين
Muḥammad b. Ǧābir al-Nimrī al-Dunqulī محمد بن جابر النمرى الدنقلي

Titles: Šayḫ , Muftī


  • Birth


    Died in Mecca during his pilgrimage in 1262 at the age of a bit (nīf) over thirty.

  • Death


Biographic comments

A short biography in LGLG00124, fols 1v-2v: He arrived in Ethiopia through the Sudanese province of Sennār. His master in Ethiopia was Sayyid Bušrā b. Ay Muḥammad. Subsequently al-Dungulānī traveled to Rāyā and became Ǧamāl al-Dīn al-Annī's teacher in 1261 until he traveled further to Tigray and settled for a while in the village al-Ḥinṭālū. In 1262 he traveled to al-Ḥiǧāz where he died during the ḥaǧǧ.
Presumably identical with Šayḫ Muḥammad Numayrī, a Sudanese muftī, mentioned in Ahmad (2001), p. 109.

Additional information


Bibliographical references

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Paratext references

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