
"The research leading to this database has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n°322849"


Faraḥ Wad al-Tuktūk al-Baṭḥānī فرح ود التكتوك البطحاني
Faraḥ b. Muḥammad b. ʻĪsā b. Qudūr b. ʻAbdal b. ʻAbd Allāh b. Muḥammad al-Abṭaḥ فرح بن محمد بن عيسى بن قدور بن عبدل بن عبد الله بن محمد الأبطح

Titles: šayḫ


  • Floruit


Biographic comments

A celebrated poet and seer, many of his poems, saying and prophecies survived orally, only to be written at a much later time. He is said to have been a contemporary of Ḫōǧalī b. ʻAbd al-Raḥmān (d. 1155/1743); he studied with Arbāb b. ʻAlī and Ḥamad w. Umm Maryōm (d. 1142/1729-30). He made the pilgrimage and is also said to have studied with Muḥammad Murtaḍā al-Zabīdī (d. 1205/1791). He was buried at Tirayra, just north of Sinnār.

Additional information


Bibliographical references

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Author of texts

Paratext references

Manuscript part references

Text references

Person references