
"The research leading to this database has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n°322849"


al-Kūhīn al-ʻAṭṭār, Abū al-Munà b. Abī Naṣr al-Isrāʼīlī al-Hārūnī الكوهين العطار، أبو المنى بن أبي نصر الإسرائيلي الهاروني


  • Floruit


Biographic comments

Jewish pharmacist who in 658/1260 wrote in Cairo "for himself and his son" a pharmacopoeia which became very widely spread (Minhāǧ al-dukkān). The work is a typical dispensatorium in which, after the Galenic example, the composite drugs are grouped according to classes.

Additional information


Bibliographical references

Scribe of manuscript parts

Author of texts

Paratext references

Manuscript part references

Text references

Person references