al-Muḫtār b. Wadīʻat Allāh al-Māsinī
المختار بن وديعة الله الماسني
Yirkoy Talfi
يركي ڟلق
Biographic comments
He was originally from Māsina, he was member of the Qādiriyya, as his father was among the students of Muḫtār al-Kuntī al-Kabīr. Later he entered the Tiǧāniyya and became one of the main muqaddams and emissaries of al-Ḥāǧǧ ʻUmar al-Fūtī.
Additional information
Bibliographical references
- Willis, John Ralf - The Writings of al-Ḥāǧǧ ʻUm... on page 177-210
Scribe of manuscript parts
Author of texts
جامع الأسرار في الصلاة على النبي المختارǦamiʻ al-Asrar fī al-Ṣalāt ʻalā al-Nabī al-Muḫtār
قصيدة انى اعوذ بمالك الأكوانQaṣīdat "Innī aʻūḏu bi-mālik al-akwān"
قصيدة انى بهذا السيد الربانىQaṣīdat "Innī bi-hāḏā al-sayyid al-rabbānī"
نظم انى بختم الاوليا الربانىNaẓm "Innī bi-ḫatm al-awliyā al-rabbānī"
نظم انى اقول اذا ما ازمة ازمتNaẓm "Innī aqūl iḏā mā azma azamat"
نظم اخيال سلمى ام اميمة جندبNaẓm "Aḫyāl salmā am umayma ǧundab"