- Collection Biblioteca civica "Carlo Bonetta"
- ID PARB00010
- Signature PAV00010
Number of folios
One hand calligraphic nasḫī; from Sūra III titles and the following information about the different counting of the ayāt; groups of three red dots to mark the end of the verses and the abbreviations of the names of the qirāʼāt's authors. At ff. 1v-2r decorated ʻunwan in black, red, and golden ink, with a main floral framing and dome lay-out of the writing space, with a head and tail friezes containing the titles of the Sūras; on the margins is the name of Allāh encircled with red and golden ink. Islamic binding with lisān with blind tooled central almond, pendants, and corners. Description of the content on a card index paper: "n° 10 IL CORANO DA SURAT ALFATEHA A SURAT ALKAHEF (INCOMPLETO)".
Bibliographical references
- I manoscritti arabi esistenti nelle biblioteche... on page 4, n. 2
Lower doublure, Magic related material
Prayers and magical invocations; written upside down
Upper doublure, Content
N.° 7. Trascrizione del Corano sino al Surata della caverna scritto in Harrar all'epoca dell'emiro Ahmed