- Collection Drewes - Stroomer
- ID LDDW00035-15B9
- Signature DWL00035-15B9
Number of folios
This microfilm includes images of four different manuscripts, belonging to different collections. Each manuscript includes a page, written by Drewes, where he locates the manuscript. This location has been reported as Previous Shelfmark for each part.
Bibliographical references
مدح شيخ ابادر ذري الأمال واسع الى الابادرMadḥ šayḫ Abādir "Ḏarī al-amāl wāsiʻ ilā al-Abādir"
توسل بابادر عمر الرضى توسلت بشيخ الابادرTawassul bi-Abādir ʻUmar al-Riḍā "Tawassaltu bi-Šayḫ al-Abādir"
دعاء الله الله يا خالق النونDuʻā' "Allāh Allāh, yā ḫāliq al-nūn"
نظم بشرى كي حليمNaẓm "Bušrā kay? ḥalīm"
نظم الله الله لطيف خبيرNaẓm "Allāh Allāh Laṭīf Ḫabīr"
نظم لا إله إلا الله نبيوا محمدNaẓm "Lā ilāh illā Allāh nabiyū Muḥammad"
اسماء الشجر والعروق (٢)Asmā' al-šaǧar wa al-ʻurūq (2)
باب اسماء الشجر والعروق ٣Bāb asmā' al-šaǧar wa al-ʻurūq (3)
Poem in Old Hararī "bi-Ism Allāh al-aʻẓam"
توسل باولياء هررTawassul bi-awliyā' Harar
ذكر هرريḎikr Hararī