- Collection Toba
- ID TOBA00003
- Signature TOSG00003
Number of folios
It is likely that the original cover was used for TOBA00041.
Bibliographical references
تذكرة اولي الالباب والجامع للعجب العجابTaḏkirat ūlī al-albāb wa-al-ǧāmiʻ li-al-ʻaǧab al-ʻuǧāb
النزهة المبهجة في تشحيذ الاذهان وتعديل الامزجةal-Nuzha al-mubhiǧa fī tašḥِiḏ al-aḏhān wa taʻdīl al-amziǧa
تذكرة اولي الالباب والجامع للعجب العجابTaḏkirat ūlī al-albāb wa-al-ǧāmiʻ li-al-ʻaǧab al-ʻuǧāb
النزهة المبهجة في تشحيذ الاذهان وتعديل الامزجةal-Nuzha al-mubhiǧa fī tašḥِiḏ al-aḏhān wa taʻdīl al-amziǧa
Front cover,
Commercial for a portable radio and cassette player partly covered with paper and cloth.
Back cover, Stamp / Signature
Partly visible stamp. It is found in several books in the Toba collection, clearest on one of the front leaves of TOBA00008. Above a drawing of a mosque; below three lines of text in Latin, Fidel, and Arabic scripts:
Masjida Haaji Aadam Guummaa
مسجد الحاج آدم غوما