1v-2r, Drawings / Decorations
The names of the first two sūras in panels. The text is placed in a cloud on yellow background. Multiple frames, with panels and a chain pattern. Colours: red, green, yellow, black and white.
Throughout, Marginalia
Division markers: words ḥizb and al-ǧuz' with number, in red. Mīm as ṯumn marker, in black. Interlinear taǧwīd markers in red.
Throughout, Drawings / Decorations
Triple frame in red and black
Throughout, Marginalia
Notes and numbers written with a blue ball-point pen. Many of the notes faded and difficult to read. Some of the notes contain information on āyāt mansūḫa.
330r, Colophon
وتمت كلمات ربك صدقا وعدلا لا مبدل لكلماته وهو السميع العليم