
"The research leading to this database has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n°322849"


Book loan / transaction (Cv )

زادَ الفاخِرة كُتِبَ بالعَجَم وثلاثة انواع من \ التلقين وغير ذلك ما شمل المدح والوصيةَ جُمِعَ في جلدٍ فى بالخرز اِستعارَ منى محمد طيّب ابَا \ فِيطَا حاج صادِق فى سنة ۱۳۹ [كذا ۱۳۹۰؟] فى ربيع الأول

Note on a book loan with a date probably corresponding to May-June 1970 A.D. On the note there is evidence that a version in ʻaǧamī of the same poem in praise of the Prophet exists and a copy of it was bound with a leather cover.
