
"The research leading to this database has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n°322849"



ابتداء عمله ١٣ مسكرم ١٩٨٩ م
وصول شبكة الكهرباء فى قرية هرو ومن [.؟.] وبدء اضاءته ليلة الخميس ٢٥ رجب سنه ١٤١٧ ه ٢٧ هذار ١٩٨٩ م

Note about Haro's connection to the power grid. Electrical light was first turned on Thursday night, 25 Raǧab 1417 H. (1989). Date also given according to the Ethiopian calendar.
