Loose folio (p. 84/85)
الكتب الموقوفة \ (١) ابن كثير (٢) مراح البيد (٣) اتقان (٤) الجامع الصحيح للامام المسلم (٥) زاد المسلم (٦) دليل الفالحين (٧) الترغيب (٨) النهايه فى غريب الحديث (٩) المجموع (١٠) كتاب الفقه على مذهب الاربعه (١١) إرشاد الفحول (١٢) الرسالة للامام المُطَّلبي (١٣) إبراز المعانى (١٤) أسنى المطالب (١٥) عمدة الأخبار فى مدينة المختار (١٦) السراج المنير (١٧) إنسان العيون (١٨) حاشية العطار (١٩) حجة الله البالغه (٢٠) لسان العرب (٢١) مقاييس الغة (٢٢) مختصر الشافى (٢٣) تمرين الطلاب (٢٤) مجموع الصرف (٢٥) المطلوب (٢٦) الحاشية الثانيه (٢٧) الحاشية الجامع (٢٨) المنهج الفكرية
Placed between the pages 84 and 85 of the printed book. The list contains manuscripts or
books that were made waqfs. Some of these have been identified among the manuscripts and books of the collection.
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00076] ZM00076
- Person Mentioned Ibn Kaṯīr, Ismāʻīl b. ʻUmar / ابن كثير , اسماعيل بن عمر
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00161] ZM00161
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00095] ZM00095
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00173] ZM00173
- Genre Documentary
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00088] ZM00088
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00384] ZM00384
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00034] ZM00034
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00035] ZM00035
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00036] ZM00036
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00171] ZM00171
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00347] ZM00347
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00110] ZM00110
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00174] ZM00174
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00094] ZM00094
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00176] ZM00176
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00345] ZM00345
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00192] ZM00192
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00111] ZM00111
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00299] ZM00299
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00137] ZM00137
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00138] ZM00138
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00138] ZM00138
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00377] ZM00377
- Text Mentioned Ḥuǧǧat Allāh al-bāliġa / حجة الله البالغة
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00376] ZM00376
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00378] ZM00378
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00379] ZM00379
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00380] ZM00380
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00381] ZM00381
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00382] ZM00382
- Manuscript Mentioned [WOZM00181] ZM00181