مدائح امهريةMadā'iḥ amhariyya
جدول الشاش والشاميǦadwal al-Šāš wa-al-Šāmī
Judgements of the Islamic court of Harar
Letter in Fidel script
ʻAǧamī text (Amharic) on the battles of the Madinan period of the Prophet
أيما ساسل يسAymā sāsal yas
نص خير خلق لله أكرم مولد طيبNaṣṣ "Ḫayr ḫalq li-Allāh akram mawlid ṭayyib"
ألحمد لله لباسطلبا سطاAl-ḥamdu li-Allāhi lbasiṭulbā siṭā
Poem in ʻaǧamī Amharic (7)
نظم طهاق زلّقش كماد اشراق منڠدNaẓm "Ṭahāq zallaqach kamādu ašabarraq mangadu"
اسماء للكتب الموجودة في زبمولةAsmā' li-al-kutub al-mawǧūda fī Zabimūla
Dizionario africano : italiano-amarico, tigrino, arabo (A.O.-Egitto-Asia), arabo (Libia-Africa sett.), galla, migiurtino, benadirese
Text in Fidel script
Letter in Fidel script (2)
ديوان الانسابDīwān al-ansāb
مدح عبد الجليلMadḥ ʻAbd al-Ǧalīl
Arabic-Amharic-English-French Dictionary
Document in Fidel script
تعجيم عروة الوثقىTaʻǧīm ʻUrwa al-wuṯqā
Collection of devotional poems in ʻaǧamī Amharic
Poem in ʻaǧamī Amharic
Poem in ʻaǧamī Amharic (2)
Poem in ʻaǧamī Amharic (3)
Poem in ʻaǧamī Amharic (4)
Text in Fidel script (2)